Friday, December 11, 2009

Commentary on classmates blog II

In response to the blog posted by Kosi:

I think that the statement made above is not as true as it may seem. Although it may be true that people have been working a little bit more and are starting to get back on their feet, but it is also worth noting that people are unusually cautious of how much money they spend nowadays. With the way things have been lately our economy is sitting on very thin ice and can surely take any number of downturns at the drop of a hat. With companies like McDonald's just feeling the effects of the recession with a drop in last month's sales figures it is still very possible for things to get worse before they can get better and stay that way. Our economy still has a very long way to go before it is back in the green; it's worth noting that almost anyone would tell you that "you've got to spend money to make money," and right now there is way more money being spent than made. Until we the all of the money that Congress has been shelling out at work people aren't going to spend the money our economy needs to get that much needed jolt we've all been waiting for.

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