Friday, December 11, 2009

Original Commentary II

I was recently looking over the Austin-American Statesman for a subject I should comment on. It's safe to say that there are a plethora of activities our government has it's hands in with the various policies and decisions being made. It was then that I happened upon an article about President Obama specifically. It seems that the members of the Congressional Black Caucus are very unhappy with the President's lack attention to unemployment in minority communities. Of course, it's understood that as a whole the President is expected to deal with these issues indiscriminately and equally across the board, but when the unemployment rate is at such a disparity within the black and white communities some would argue that measures should be taken to help the areas being most effected. I thought that it was significantly shocking to find out that Obama has encountered such opposition from the group of people that a lot of us expect to be in most accordance with the decisions made by our president. Is it possible that the president has considered this but decided not to act in favor of minorities specifically to avoid public scrutiny? It's definitely a possibility, but I don't think it's the real reason. I personally think that this is something that could have easily been overlooked with all the commotion going on in Washington. The Obama administration may not have been expected to deal with such issues based on race when unemployment overall is at an all-time high, but that's not to say they shouldn't be more focused on the areas where unemployment is most prevalent. Whether this is a subject that President Obama should address because he is expected to lift his people or because he should deal with unemployment where it's presence is most heavily felt; this is definitely an issue that should draw some attention in the White House.

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